Enjoying the bounty of your garden is extremely rewarding! Before gathering your fruits and vegetables, you know how important planting, weeding, and watering will be. But what prevents meddlesome garden pests from helping themselves to your well-earned harvest?
Our 110 Volt Powered, Small Electric Garden Fence Kit provides the tools you need to keep out rabbits, dogs, and any other animals that destroy plants. Spacing the posts at 8 foot intervals should provide coverage up to an 80 foot perimeter with 2 strands of wire. NOT recommended for deer. For deer, we recommend out large garden kit with a more powerful energizer.
The 110 Volt Powered, Small Electric Garden Fence Kit includes
- 110 volt energizer, .10 Joule output- DE 60
- Ten 36 inch long, Fiber Rod posts
- 250 feet of Polywire
- 20 clips for fastening the wire to the posts
ground rod
ground clamp
10 feet of ground wire
- fence tester
Visit the web site below for directions on how to install a garden fence kit.