Electric Fences and Netting for Horses, Cattle, Goats, and other farm animals.


Common Electric Garden Fence Problems Every Rancher Should Know About

Fencing has always been a subject of curiosity among the ranching community. You want the best
fencing without breaking the bank. And thankfully, the options are galore! There are battery-
operated fencing options that don’t require an AC supply. So, you know you’re going to make it safe
and efficient. However, installing a fence is one thing, and keeping it running hassle-free is the other.
You can install an electric fence for your garden and prevent cute intruders like rabbits and sheep
from intruding on the property. But, you should also be aware of a few common problems that you
may find on the way:

Poor grounding
Like the other electric systems, your fence is supposed to be a complete circuit, with earthing an
essential part of it. And if it doesn’t act like one, you know there’s a problem. Poor grounding will
stop your fence from giving strong shocks, making it ineffective like anything. Make sure to insert
half of the earth stake in the ground. Add an earth line for the best results.

Shorts can be caused by several factors. Unlike their name, the list is long, including but not limited
to broken insulators, tape touching wood, and the bottom line of the fence touching vegetation.
Whatever the reason is, you can always check it – not with your fingers but with a tester. Check for
shorts and get them fixed (if any) on priority.

Bad connections
This problem is most common with long fences where several parts are tied together. Bad
connections may impact the electricity transfer negatively, worsening the shock quality and paving
the way for those stubborn creatures. The tip: keep an eye on the metal connectors used.

Lighting damage
Imagine spending a night with lightning storm only to not get any reading after checking your fence
in the morning. Doesn’t that sound like the worst nightmare ever? Well, that happens. While you
cannot outsmart nature, you can always invest in preventive maintenance and install devices like
lightning distractors, surge protectors, and more to avoid such damages – another great way to
reduce expensive repair costs.

Undersized energizers
It’s better not to purchase a fence charger than to buy an undersized one. The reason? It will make
the entire system ineffective despite installing it correctly. If you have already made a mistake, the
only way to fix that is to replace the charger. But, if you’re yet to purchase it, get one with the higher
joule rating.

The bottom line
Electric fencing is an ideal way to keep your ranch or garden area protected from animal invasion.
While they don’t cause serious harm, they can easily turn your days of hard work into messy stuff
within less than an hour. So, it is always better to take proactive steps to avoid that and keep your
peace of mind in place.
If you’re looking for battery-operated electric garden fence options, you should reach out to us or
explore our collection here. We also have solar-powered garden fence kits to support your green
energy endeavor.