Electric Fences and Netting for Horses, Cattle, Goats, and other farm animals.


To Get An Effective Electric Fence, Do Not Make These Common Mistakes

There is no doubt about the fact that electrical fencing is a great barrier that helps keep people and other animals from crossing a boundary using electric shocks. And the best thing about this fencing is that it does not call for a lot of money, time, and effort, something which non-electric fencing require for installation. However, many ranchers make some common mistakes with their electric fencing that stops them from enjoying the advantages that come with this fencing setup. In this blog, we will tell you what those common mistakes are. So, let’s get started!

Not Focusing On Proper Earth Grounding

You may have heard people say that proper earth grounding does not really have a bearing on the efficiency of an electric fence. The truth is, it does have an impact and we will advise you to install a minimum of three ground rounds. Make sure the rods are either galvanized or copper. Once installed, make sure they are attached with top-quality ground clamps. In addition to this, ensure that the electric line is making a full circle and making its way to the charger through the ground. If you take earth grounding lightly, your electric fence would produce weak electric shocks.

Getting A Poor Energizer

You can’t get an effective electric fence without a good-quality energizer. If you use a poor quality energizer, unwanted animals may enter your premises by just biting through the fence. It is essential to understand that the fence is merely a bait for the animal. The actual thing that keeps them away is the electric bite. That is why it becomes necessary to get an energizer that contains adequate power. You can easily find quality energizers with amazing power output at an affordable price online.

Not Training The Animals

Many ranchers make the mistake of not training their animals. You need to show to them that electric fence can hurt them. Do not forcefully make them touch the fence. The best thing is to feed them under the fence so that they can learn about the electric shock on their own. Simply attach a bait to the fence, according to your animal, to familiarize it with electric shocks. And do not worry that your animal might associate shock with the food. It will realize that it is the fence that is producing the shock and will eventually learn to stay away from it.

While these are common mistakes, other mistakes pertaining to electric fence include placing fence posts in close proximity, using cheap insulators, installing solar panels facing away from the sun, and not using a voltmeter. You can easily build a strong and effective electric fence by steering clear of the above-mentioned mistakes. Also, educate yourself as much as you can about electric fencing and its accessories. At Electric Fence, you can get virtually everything related to electric fencing such as horse fencing supplies, battery operated fence chargers, fence testers, high tensile wire, electric fence netting, and much more.